There is no denying, there has been a lot going on over the past few years. It is important to check in with ourselves to ask “how am I doing”, “how are my friends doing”, and more broadly “how do I deal with stress in my everyday life”?

This tool was designed at the University of Washington for high school students in WA to provide reflection on how you are feeling and how you tend to cope. This reflection provides perspective around your emotions and behaviors and shows what other high school students are experiencing.

It is personalized to you based on information you provide and offers tips and strategies to help with stress.

The tool even has interesting stats like what % of students feel lonely, drink alcohol or use marijuana.

This tool has 5 sections:

  1. Your mood and emotions
  2. Optimism and social connections
  3. Coping with stress
  4. Alcohol and marijuana use and non-use
  5. Moving forward

To personalize the tool, you are asked a few anonymous questions in the beginning of the tool.

By continuing on, you are agreeing to participate in this tool and that you are at least 13 years of age. Participation is voluntary and you may stop at any time.

This tool is anonymous.

That means that no one will know how you answered. Everything you answer is private. We won’t know your name or any other contact information.

Due to the anonymous nature of this tool, you will lose your progress if you close your web browser. You can always restart from the beginning.